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It is now possible to pay for your HR Amigos games on-line, before the game at all non-GNK courses. A payment sheet will be issued over the weekend before the game detailing the payments each player on the start sheet needs to pay. The bank details for this payment are provided below. It remains possible to pay by cash on the day (correct money please & NO credit cards) if you prefer but prepayment does make it easier for both the Organisers and Players by streamlining the 'check-in' process at the course. Players should not go to the proshop to make any payments for Amigos games unless playing at a GNK Course.

Bank:  Cajamar

Account:  Amigos G.S.

IBAN:  ES80 3058 0990 2427 6273 7640


Currency:  EURO

(If transferring from an overseas account, the sender must pay any transaction charges)


Do not forget to add <Your Name> & <Course> in the reference section of your transfer, so we know who sent the money and for what.


"Variety is the Spice of Life "- They're Not as Complicated as they Seem, so Enjoy!
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